This last weekend I had to pleasure of meeting Lefty Kreh and Rick Pope of TFO, at
Little River Outfitters in Townsend, TN. They put a 4pc, 3wt Finesse rod in my hand and had me cast it for a bit. It is not in any of the store yet as far as I know. It is about the finest casting rod I have ever had the pleasure to cast. It is going to be a very affordable rod. If any of you get the chance to try one, I am sure you will be just as pleased with it as I was. Just as soon as Little River Outfitters gets them in
I will purchase one. This is just my opinion on what I think is an outstanding rod. John

I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.

[This message has been edited by bassman (edited 20 September 2005).]