Patterns for Bulls?
In several weeks I'll be helping catch Bull Trout est 14-25" for transceivers, clipping, scale samples etc. After the spawning season. Bulls haven't been doing well for quite a few years.

Rest of the crew used spinning which worked poorly in the warm water of recent weeks. They decided not to electro shock.

I caught a few to 21" on smallish Clousers, my sculpin and buggers which is all I happened to have -- didn't know we were going to fish. I've abstained for over 15 yrs-- knowing the situation.

Plan to use size 2-8 dark and lite streamers (and a few large nymphs) mostly weighted on sink tips. Hit them hard near dusk in the pool tail outs and otherwise at the head of the pool.

Anyone with relavant experience?

?Is not the sky a father and the earth a mother, and are not all living things with feet or wings or roots their children??
?Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is!?

-----Black Elk, Lakota Sioux Holy Man 1863-1950
from: "Black Elk Speaks", pub 1932

[This message has been edited by Thin Air (edited 01 September 2005).]