
Earlier this year our thread centered on ways to assure some longevity to the fish/ fishing experience in these essentially unmonitored waters. With only an honor system going, can well-stocked and well-advertised Kids' Ponds last the summer, and how?

Yesterday and today, I'm teaching fly fishing in 8th grade phys ed calsses at our pond, a good walk from the school. Its at the town athletic fields, a site completely hidden by trees unless you're there specifically for soccer or the pond. I hadn't been there since June myself.

After assembling rods and casting to targets on the soccer field (nice to have a tiny bit of skill before spooking all the fish - grin), we moved to the pond. I was showing the kids how to pinch a barb and musing over whether there would be any fish, when a 2-foot rainbow skyrocketed out of the water fifteen feet in front of us, on cue. We saw a couple bass, and the kids hooked 8 sunfish (thank goodness for willing panfish with schoolkids). We watched the trout, and a giant snapping turtle, all day.

The pond wasn't catch and release when I left, although the local police were asking the town to make it that way, and it isn't FFO. Its just that if you're over 15, a child had to take you fishing there.

I'm sure there aren't 300 trout in that little pond, but I know of three, and one who has become a junior high legend...
