I recently read an article in the newest FlyFisherman about it and think I saw a thread somewhere with a discussion about it. It sounds like an awesome fishery. I have little interest in it because I'm not able to travel that far to fish most of the time but I thought I'd mention what I was watching right now.

ON HistoryHD, there is an episode of "Mega Disasters" about poor dam quality. Much of the show has been about Wolf Creek Dam and how the Corp is working feverishly to bring it up to code to prevent a break!(With the rest about general poor dam quality and a few other examples) How accurate is this for those concerned? This show is NEW (200. According to the show, communities all the way to Nashville would be devastated by a failure. Stating that many of them would be 100% under water, largely due to the fact that the reservoir is the "largest East of the Mississippi".

What do you guys know about this?