In from Neil Travis:

Hope all is well with you both. The Yellowstone is still at flood stage, and on Thursday the old bridge on 9th street finally failed. The second pylon from the island side lost its grip on the bottom and the bridge developed a major sag. They evacuated all the residents and pets - except the horses - and waited, but the old bridge is still standing tonight. They plan to put a Bailey Bridge in place within the next few days to allow the residents to get back and forth to their homes. They started work on that process today.

The Yellowstone is running at about 21,000 cfs or 9 feet at the gauge at Carter's Bridge. [Bank full is 8.5 feet]. In 1974 it was running at 31,700 on this date. Flows coming out of the Park are still increasing so we have not yet reached peak flow; however the local streams coming out of the mountains outside of the Park are beginning to drop. Unless we get some heavy rain I doubt the river will go much above 25,000 cfs or about 9 1/2 feet. We saw 10 1/2 feet in 1997. Given the current scenario the river will not be approachable for fishing purposes until mid-July.