Well, I've gotten my quilting done-turned in my two quilts for our service project last night. The Log Cabin Quilters of Kalamazoo donated 244 items to Habitat For Humanity, to give as dedication gifts to their homeowners. We divided the items up between the Kalamazoo County chapter and the Calhoun County chapter. I'm proud to say this guild is very proactive when it comes to our service projects. Last Christmas we gave nearly 350 stuffed animals (each with a small quilt) to a couple of local domestic abuse shelters, for the children when they first come in.

Today is to be spent cutting foam for eight skirted chair seat covers I am doing for a client. I would really rather be playing with my rod and practicing my casting, but I've got too much to do this week, so I can have all next week to dedicate to packing and getting myself ready for the fish-in.

I can hardly wait the 28th, when we head up to Grayling. I'm looking forward to having dinner at the Bear's Den, I've been dreaming and drooling over the thoughts of their wonderful calzones, and the Pizza Hut commercials are only making it worse!