Well the boy is doing well. Betty brought it to my attention I should post something as to how he is doing so I shall. When my son came to live with us a little over a year ago he weighed 622 pounds. Since his surgery he is now at as of last week 478 pounds. He has not seen that weight since high school. He watches very closely what he eats. At a month out almost he has yet to throw up which is a very good sign. He will spend all of July in Salmon Idaho cause there are a lot of women up there that are single. His leg is healing very well and some scar tissue is starting to show up with the incision now being only a couple of inches long versus the original 8 inch incision. He threw his pole and chair in the car the other day and went fishing. did not catch anything but had a good time. I am v ery proud of him and only 78 pounds to go and he gets his pontoon boat.