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Thread: Rich Uncle or a Monkeys Uncle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.

    Question Rich Uncle or a Monkeys Uncle?


    At what point do some guys start believing that their time on the water should be subsidized by their fishing companions?
    How much bologna have you put up with, or been pitched by other anglers?

    Have you traveled with the type of guys that always seem to have a bladder control problem when you pull up at the pump. Vowing they'll get the next tank, but never seem too?

    Are you the one that always plans the fishing excursions and does all of the research and leg work for your partner(s)?
    Is that because you're all knowing or have the inside track?
    Or is it because, if you didn't take the reins, that horse would never leave the stable?

    Have you ever taken a week long trip with someone who proclaimed that they've been tying flies for fifteen years. Yet when you arrive at your destination and you get a glimpse at their "fly box", singular. They have all of two flies to show for each of the fifteen years they've been tying. None of which are remotely useful for that piece of water.
    Ah' but you're a good Joe and you've got a few to spare........on every trip.

    Maybe it's this New Math that I heard so much about some years back, but when did half of a thirty two dollar tab become six bucks and a brisk walk to the restroom?

    Have you ever traveled with a guy who in three years of trips, never once offered you or anyone else, so much as a can of soda?

    You've been at the wheel for the past three hours, everyone in the vehicle knows there is a toll bridge coming up. At the last moment, the voices in the vehicle fall suddenly silent and you find yourself wrestling with both your seat belt and hip pocket to come up with a buck for the toll taker. All the time, the guy next to you gazes out his side window at the water.
    Or even better, as you approach the toll booth, four grown men all go grabbing for their bill folds as if it's a race to see who can come up with a buck first. Yet somehow, it's the only guy in the car who happens to have his hands full at the moment ( the driver ) who happens to come up with money....
    Of course this exercise in deception is always followed with the words " Next time, let me get it. "

    Have you ever pulled up in front of a new fishing acquaintances house to pick him up, to find his wife standing in the doorway, literally screaming at the top her lungs. That, if he goes off fishing, he better not try to come home. This while throwing his gear out onto the lawn?
    Talk about your quiet drives to the river.........

    Why is it some guys simply can't bring themselves to say these words. " I can't go ".
    Instead, they'll jack you around for weeks about what day they can leave, which may or may not ever come.
    Or they'll wait ( I guess, fearing an altercation ) until the last possible moment to spring the trip on their spouse.

    What about that week long trip you've planned, tied, equipped yourself and saved for all year.
    There you are on the morning of day one, you're rigging up and the other guys whips out his reel with what looks to be a dusky, heavily scuffed and frizzled remnant of what once might have been a leader.
    So you ask: What length and X value is that Joe?
    He replies: I don't know, it's whatever was on it the last time I was here ( four years ago ). Then he sheepishly looks your way and says: I don't think I've got another leader, what do you think I should use?

    When you hit the road with other anglers, is it always in your vehicle or do you split up the wear and tear between your partners vehicles and yours?

    When it comes time to book lodging or reserve a camp space, is it always you that makes the reservations, with your credit card?
    Do you get fully reimbursed for their portion of those expenses or merely some portion of their share?

    How about a guy who can't swim at all, that has bought himself a top of line float tube, pontoon boat, fins, waders, etc, but always needs to borrow a life vest?

    Do you know the type of guy who needs reminding in the beginning of the year to get his new fishing license? Who tells you, he has. Only to find out when you get to the water, that he did go out and buy a license, last year.

    You've traveled on " your own coin " for years. In doing so you've finally accumulated sufficient airline miles and hotel points to warrant a " free" round trip and a weeks lodging.
    While making plans for a group fishing trip, it's pointedly suggested to you by another group member, that since you have comp's that you can use, you should split the cost of the other guys airfares and rooms.

    Since I'm not rich, that leaves a Monkeys Uncle.

    I'm told that expressing ones frustrations can be cathartic, so please feel free to add your own experiences to the list.


    Last edited by Dave E; 06-08-2008 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
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    Wow, I think I would find new friends. I dont have these problems but then I fish localy and dont make long trips.

    Good luck with this


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    The answer to these "types", is very easy and obvious.....................ONCE!
    Over the years, I've probably met and fished with, all of the types you listed, Dave. And, like I said in the beginning, "I've fished with them, ONCE" and that was it.
    Fishing time is too precious, to have trips ruined with these types of clowns, I'd rather go alone.
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Loretto, TN


    Frustrations huh? I have plenty of aggression stored up right now, so why not? It's a different experience, but it is an experience.

    Have you ever paid for a service that was served in a half-a** manner? Have you worked hard to pay for this service only to find that it isn't worth no where near what you paid for it? Have you spent so much time and money in this service only to find that it is doing you very little good whatsoever?

    Have you sat in a classroom to actually learn something only to hear that your teacher isn't showing up for the fifth time? Have you had a teacher come in extremely late with blood-shot eyes smelling of alcohol? Have you had a COLLEGE teacher treat you like you were a high schooler by threatening you with failing grades the first night if he doesn't get his way? Have you had another teacher tell you and the rest of your classmates that you are all idiots and don't know how to learn?

    Have you ever traveled to a campus 80 miles away for a required class that actually goes for a half-semester only to find that your instructor isn't showing up? In that same class, were the computers taken away at the last moment so you couldn't finish any of the lab work assignments?

    Have you had a teacher read straight from the book for his lectures? Not just once, but during every class...

    Columbia State Community College is where I have been going since 2005. Fall 07 was my last semester there not because I graduated, but because I haven't got my tuition fully paid yet. During my time at this school I have experienced all of this and more. I don't care who knows what school I'm going to right now, because I really want to ruin this school's reputation. It isn't a college, it's a money making scheme and half of the instructors there are just drawing paychecks....

    Well... I don't feel any better... As a matter of fact, I think my blood pressure just went up.... D'oh!!!
    May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it. ~Irish Blessing~

  5. #5


    Like stated previously, you may need to find a new buddy to roll with or go alone!.......... I do find myself planning almost all of the outings that my friends come with me on, but I would rather have it organized and dialed in (when, where, set-up, camping, maps, flies) so everyone can relax, have fun, and hopefully get into some fish. I require my buddies to have their own gear, split booze and gas...I am always upfront about giving a ball park figure on the individual costs before we even leave town. I think my fishing buddies realize that when I take the time to set something up they know they are in for a great time, thus I have never had an issue getting them to pony up the cash. I dont mind providing flies, in fact really enjoy having them catch fish on my home grown ties. Life is definitely to short not to enjoy your outings, and I really have a great time sharing it with friends!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Smile Trips


    Sounds like I am blessed with great companions. I always organize the long haul trips, sometimes involving traveling across 4 or 5 states to fish 3 or 4 different rivers. My groups range from 5 to 12 people. I do this once or twice a year.

    I always let people know what the cost is prior to them signing on. That includes a guess as to the gas costs. I give them the figures for the guide fees and motel rooms.

    We start with a kitty, everyone knows they have to put $100 cash --well, maybe this year it will be more-- when we first start off and all fuel expenses come from that. If we use it all up, then everyone kicks in more, but evenly.

    I do reserve all the hotel rooms, if I didn't we would have a mess at many of the places. However, I do not pay for all of the rooms. At the start of the trip everyone knows who his or her bunk partner is for the trip and it is up to them to split the costs of their room.

    All costs of food is on each person, eat as much as you want, you are paying for it.

    I remind people that each person needs enough cash on hand to give a decent tip to each guide for each day on the river.

    When we first arrive in Montana, I make sure we stop at the Clark Fork Trout & Tackle shop in St. Regis and buy our fishing licenses. I also point out to everyone that now is the time to buy any needed fishing supplies, like flies, leaders, split shot, strike indicators, etc.

    I let people know what time we will be gathering in the morning to meet with the guides and then suggest a time to meet for breakfast.

    I don't mind doing all this and I don't mind having to act as a referee sometimes when tempers may flair between two people, but that hardly ever happens. We are all going on a rather expensive trip for the purpose of having fun, catching fish and enjoying the company of everyone else in the group.

    As was pointed out, JUST ONCE. Yep, if we end up with a person who does not blend in well with the rest of the group, then that person simply is never asked again to go on a trip.

    So far, I guess we have all been lucky because we have all had a great time.

    Larry ---sagefisher---
    Organizations and clubs I belong to:

    Fly Fishers International Life Member
    FFI 1000 Stewards member
    FFI Presidents Club
    FFI Fly Tying Group Life Member

    Washington State Council FFI
    V.P. Membership

    Alpine Fly Fishers Club
    President & Newsletter Editor--The Dead Drift

    North Idaho Fly Casters club

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    My fishing partner and I have traveled and fished together since the mid 70's
    I make the plans, the campground reservations, and pay for the campsite
    We split the food. I do breakfasts, he does lunches, we split the dinners.
    Most years we'd take who evers car was running best.
    He pays for the bulk of the gas
    It's worked for over 30 years
    We're off on another trip next week
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  8. #8
    Normand Guest


    i had 2 fishing partners (15+ years) but after being screwed over by them about a fishing trip to the bighorn river in montana, i now value the benefits of fishing alone. i go when and where i want.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    I'm a good planner/organizer, so I don't mind planning and organizing the fishing trips I take with friends. If you don't pay your portion or are not prepared properly, or do foolish things that grownups should not do, don't plan on traveling with me again. All the begging in the world will not get you a return trip with me. I'm not your mother, wife, girlfriend or other caretaker, so don't think I'll put up with the crap that they do when traveling.

    So, if you plan on traveling, camping, or fishing with me, you'll know up front what the expectations are. Needless to say, I only travel repeatedly with a handful of friends who are tried & true and pull their weight. Also, when invited to go with someone else, I treat my host with the same respect and support that I expect, and go out of my way to give 110%.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    I tried to 'con' my best friend on a steelhead trip into doing all of the cooking at the cabin I had reserved for us on the Pere Marquette river in Michigan if I wouls see that the dishes were taken care of. He agreed so I confessed that I understood there was maid service, we didn't have to do our dishes. He sputtered but accepted the duties. That same first day they informed us as it was a holiday; no maid service! That evening for dinner he added a 'tossed salad'. He 'tossed' it from every bowl in the cupboard to the next. Used every bowl in the place. Never got my hands so clean.

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