That's a great article. Being afflicted with the engineer's disease myself I can relate. My recent obsession with learning to build a bamboo rod can probably be linked somewhat with the natural progression of the disease. Two specific events come to mind that probably triggered this current relapse. The first was the day a couple of years ago when I took my late fathers 9'-6" Granger Victory rod out of it's dusty tube and admired the light brown color and jasper wraps and the workmanship. Eventually curiosity prevailed and I found his Flueger reel and line and took it out in the yard to cast. My reaction was much the same as the authors experience with the West Bend. What a club. However, a few months later I had the opportunity to fish a nice little 7'-0" boo trout rod owned by a friend. What a difference. That little rod seemed to cast itself and fit my style to a tee. Almost like it knew what I wanted. The quest was on.