What is your preference? I am trying to stay more on the minimalist side of things and have not quite found my perfect match. I started with a vest but got lost in all the pockets and switched to a chestpack that doesnt quite hold everything I need. I would like to be able to carry two fly boxes, ultralight rain jacket, tippet, leaders, shot, floatant etc, etc. I use alot of multi functional tools to limit the gadgets. I fish from March through September and see every weather extreme WI has to offer, so that is a major consideration. I have checked out all the major brands, Fishpond, Willy J, Orvis, and even checked out a couple of others that I had not heard of, Tulli and Techvest. With so many choices out there I did not want to reinvent the wheel so I was hoping all the experience on this site could help out.

So what has your experiences been and what would you recomend?

Thanks !
