I have some good news and some bad news. At least it is for me. Lady Lotech and I have been planning on going to the Idaho Fish-In this year because I feel like when I?m there I?m home again. We were planning on using the money I?ve been calling, ?Uncle George?s Play Dough? to finance the trip, but we?ve decided to re-allocate the funds. My wading has turned into the appearance of a drunk walking on ball bearings, so I?m using my share of the money to get a new pontoon boat.
The bad news is, we won?t be at the Idaho Fish-In this year. And we will most assuredly miss everyone there.
The good news is, I?ll be opening up a whole new theater of fishing possibilities. I?m learning how to fish lakes, and Brian Chan?s tutorial on chironomid fishing is starting to get exciting to me.
I?m sad that I can?t be at Lowell this year, but I?m excited with the new possibilities presented to me with the new pontoon boat. Lake fishing is starting to be a viable option for me. My new pontoon boat is the Colorado XT, presented by Cabela?s. I?m getting the sage colored boat because I?ve seen lots of orange boats out there. Instead of cooking Dutch Oven dinners at streamside, I?ll be cooking them at Lakeside.
Be happy for us. OK? OK!