All types of carp are introduced species in North America. Asian Carp were put into many watersheds to provide food fish for a growing country, Grass Carp have been introduced to help with weed control on many waters. That being said, here in the Northeast, they are here to stay. There is a major carp fishing tourney on the Saint Lawrence not far from me. People come from all over the world to compete for serious money. Not far down river from that area a local fish and game club has held a bowfishing tourney for Carp for years. Of course the tourney anglers and bowfishers see things from two very different perspectives. The carp fisherman practice strict catch and release, and go a bit overboard on caring for the fish, going as far as dressing the hook wound before release, while the bowfishers practice pretty strict catch and use for fertilizer. My only problem with the whole thing is that the tourney anglers, most of them from Europe, want the bowfishing tourney shut down. I for one am trying to figure out how to catch a few on the long rod.