A buddy of mine has a beautiful little girl that is 2 years, 7 months of age. This little girl is daddy's girl if you know what I mean. She has two older brothers and a baby brother but she is the one that will spend rainy days on the water and frosty days on the deer stand with her daddy.

Most of the fishing that will be done with this ambitious little girl will be bank fishing on still waters. My buddy is understandably worried about her going into the water. I suggested teaching her how to swim, classes and so on, and buying her a personal flotation device.

Now, it has been many moons since I had a youngster of my own on the water and my buddy has never had one this young out there. He asked me what type of flotation device would be best for her and I decided to ask you folks. There are so many of them out there. I told him we need to find one that is as comfortable as possible.

We were also talking about possible fly fishing rigs for her that she can grow into. If you folks have any suggestions on a P.F.D. and or fly fishing gear for this little fisher gal please post them. It is much appreciated.

By the way, my buddy has some fly fishing experience and is known to visit this site. Perhaps this will help him take the plunge and post on the BB instead of just lurking. I keep trying to talk him into getting all of the kids involved. He was worried that I would not like having to chase after the kids all day instead of fishing. I told him I have done it before and would love to do it again.