I always hear how you can never have enough 4 wts. and was thinking of getting one. what are the benefits of a 4wt to other line rods and what are they better used for? there are no natural trout here just gills and bass and stocked steelheads in the colder months with catfish thrown in. anyone got any ideas for my 1st 4wt combo? preferbly one under 200 bux and thats with line and backing included. I seen a redington crosswater 4wt for 100 some and there new red 2 fly rod combos for 200 or about that price. just wondered if anyone can point me in a good direction? I wanna get a quality rod this time and redington has a lifetime warranty which I like. so far I have the 3 wt bitch creek ($126)and 6 weight martin($2 plus the cabelas 8wt ($99). is it worth the money to invest in a 4wt . I have been searching for a few hours now for rod combos and am just not sure yet. I was thinking of getting the 4/5wt tfo nxt combo also. just wonder if its 4wt or 5wt line on it?? . this seems like a good combo and I like the lifetime warranty and rod case and the fact that its a 4 piece. I am almost not even caring what size line comes with it as I can buy whatever size I want anyways. I will prolly just use whats on it tho. was also thinking of maybe giving my 6 wt martin 20 dollar combo away to my buddy since he seems to of taken to fly fishing and wants to go with me this year more but doesn't have any gear. although its hard cause its my 1st ever setup I got. maybe I will just spend 30 more bux and get him a new one haha. does that make me a bad guy? man I just cant seem to part with anything....... anyways I am gonna sleep on it and see what ya guys recommend and I will make my decision from there.