Quote Originally Posted by Fatman View Post
My Black Lab got hit with fleas big time last year and after getting her dunked to clear them up the vet gave me a can of spray called Knock Out, it cost's about $15-$20.

This stuff kills live bugs, eggs and everything on carpets and furniture so I tried it on some pheasant skins that a buddy didn't get to right away and they are some of the cleanest bug free pheasant pelts I have.


Being a dog breeder, I've always had enough "free samples" and "actually purchased", flea killer/repellents around the kennels to wipe out the entire flea population of several dog pounds.
Thinking that.... "Fleas=bugs=tying materials" and already having the chemicals on hand, "why not"?
True. As stated, "most flea control agents WILL kill most bug infestations on tying materials". (flea COLLARS, however, DO NOT).
But, I still went back to the good old reliable and pleasant fragrance of moth balls when I began noticing "strange behavior" with my flies...............
They would "pant" if left too long, in a tightly closed up fly box.
While in the foam rows of a fly box, I'd hear these little "sniffing sounds" coming from one row back, in each row of flies.
The shaking of the tailing materials drove me crazy.(plus, when 50 flies, in one fly box do it, it's hard to hold the box steady to pick out a fly to use).
Worst of all, when presenting a fly, to a rising fish..........at the end of each cast, the fly would stop in mid air........... and make three complete circles, before it would lay down on the water and that really spooked the fish.