For the gardeners out there.
I learned today that Salvia may be the next cash crop replacing that old standby Pot! It's leaves may be chewed or made into a Tea to give one a new "High"! 4 States have outlawed it and several more are considering doing so. It's leaves also bring $30.00 an ounce!!
I planted a large patch last year for the bright flowers that last 'til first frost. (60 plants at 31 cents each!) I could have financed my Michigan Fish-In trip had I known, And, it's legal!
Do I have to post armed guards to protect my flower garden now?
I could set up a road side "Produce Stand" with a postal scale. Sort of a pick your own. like a strawberry patch!
Oh, I know the NBOF will have a field day with this one!!
Did I really say "Field" day?