FB, Thank goodness for men like your Dad and his friends. It may not have been the right thing to do if panfish and black bass were stocked illegally. But, I don't see where it's right either to start killing them once they've existed in a river or stream. In instances where there's an indigenous species they're competing with and taking over, I can see increasing the creel limit or relocating to reduce those populations. But, I don't subscribe to the attitude of "just throw the damn bass up on the back and let 'em rot."

I also find the bass rivers less crowded and more to my liking for the same reasons you do. I'm thankful for the irony of losing my trout stream, but finding something I love even more. When I discovered the smallie fishery here, I was a part-time guide and just looking to get away from the summer crowds on the local trout streams. I had no idea how deep my addiction to the bronze warriors would become.

Steve, I'd be more than happy to trade trips if we can work it out.