Or can you get away with a quick shave off one at Seaworld? (I did manage to get three handfulls of emu feathers at the wildlife park at Christmas before the kids brought me down in a rugby tackle)

Every nymph pattern I look at has seals fur in it, not seal fur substitute, but the real thing. Do you yankees still clamber over the ice to club these little critters to death and flog off the fluff? I can't seem to find any of it, and you get jail here for popping them off the rocks with a rifle.

What does everbody use when the recipe calls for seal fur dubbing? Is SLF and home made mixtures as good as the real thing?

My wife said I can keep one in the bath tub, but she gave up on me long ago. Maybe there is an alternative though? (I hear they can bite... )