This takes the cake!

Surprising part is that it was on a TV ad for Shaw's Grigsby's fishing show "One more cast". I had left the outdoors channel on & when I walked into the room, this ad was airing. When I saw it was one of his sponsors, I laughed my butt off!
This type of thing belongs as an ad for a cartoon show, certainly not a show featuring a "pro" fisherman. I want to see ol' Shaw fish with this thing..after all, he SHOULD support his sponsors. Who knows, it may be the next big thing in tournaments. It would be great for the environment. Savings on gas & closer rapport with their fans, who could join 'em on the dock while they're pressin' buttons. I can hear it now..."OOOH SON! Nice fish...I'm gonna hafta buy me some stronger batteries!...Either that or an attached microphone that says..."If you weigh more than 2 pounds, please swim away!"