I find this a tough conversation to take a side of. We all unfortunately live in a world of buyer beware and boards like this allow us to meet and trade with people that enjoy the same things as we do.

There will always be a risk in deaing with any transaction where a handshake and a face are not involved. I recently did one with Dan from above and sent him an amount of money that would have made for a real bad day if it did not pan out but thru conversations with him any concerns disappeared. I think we have the right venue here and it would be too bad if we pushed those that are new away. I have been travelling this site for a few years now but have been mostly shy with the keys. I have been looking at selling my norvice as of late and would be a little worried going forward about creating issues.

I do agree proper registration is a must and maybe there is a way to ensure this is done before any buying or selling is done.

Sorry for the rant and fence sitting