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Thread: Please...help me make a fly!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Please...help me make a fly!

    Okay...so I've got some Zonker strips (but I can't make Zonkers because I don't have access to all the materials.)

    Here's your challenge...

    What else can I make using black or white Zonker strips? (I have an extenstive list of other materials at my disposal).

    Links to sites with instructions would help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    The easiest pattern with zonker strips is just a fur strip leach. Tie a zonker strip on top of a dubbed body just like you would on a zonker. Add some contrasting soft hackle as either a beard or a collar in front if you like. Try the black zonkers over a muskrat body with lots of guard hairs picked out. Sie 12 to ? long shanked hook.

    all leaders tangle; mine are just better at it than most. Jim
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vermont for now



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I use zonker strips to make the body on the Murray's Strymph. Page 22 of Fly Tyer magazine Winter 1999. Very good fly and has served me well.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  5. #5


    Dear Andrew,

    Do you fish for smallmouth?

    Use those zonker strips to make madtoms. Black is a great color.

    They are nothing but a wool headed sculpin like pattern that represents the smallies favorite food.

    All you need are lead dumbbell eyes, some sculpin wool of the proper color, and some dubbing.

    Tie on the lead eyes like you are tying a Clouser minnow.

    Dub a body behind the eyes.

    Lash the zonker strip to the hook just behind the eyes and just above the hook bend leaving a good portion trailing behind.

    Dub a loop and wrap a wool head around the eyes and trim it to shape like a bullet.

    Fish the fly dead drift, allowing it to wash out of riffles into deeper holes. Trout will hit it too.

    Tim Murphy

    [This message has been edited by Tim Murphy (edited 06 August 2005).]

  6. #6


    Tie on a little tail made of chamois or felt and tie on some little ears made of the same thing.
    Wrap the zonkers around the hook shank to make a fuzzy body. You might need two or three. Glue in some eyez-or not, and you have a cool little mouse.
    Ok it'll look more like a gerbil but.....

  7. #7


    See! Only fur and some tail stuff. Pretty easy.

  8. #8


    You might try a Rabbit Bugger .

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  9. #9


    bunny leech.
    very simple and very effective. especially for LARGE trout.

    tie of at bend leaving a tail less than one shank length (to avoid fouling). I usually trim the tip of the tail to a point (for zonkers too), but I'm the only one I know of who does that. then panmer the stip forward to the eye stroking the fur backwards as you do do. tie of and whip finish. I usually tie these w/ a cone head, and sometimes w/ lead wraps on the shank.

    I also believe that a kiwi muddler has a rabbit strip wing/tail ala the zonker.

    another suggestion would be to imporvise a zonker variant. nothing in this pursuit is written in stone and fish eat all kinds of crazy shlitz.


  10. #10



    Try this pattern out:

    It's made with a regular zonker strip and a cross-cut zonker strip. If you don't want to tie it on a tube a Mustad 3366 or a Mustad 9672 hook also works great.



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