My success with walleye over the years has almost entirely been in rivers. When they are holding in riffles or pools below fast water, then fly fishers can to as well, or better, than anyone.

One of my most memorable ffing experiences occured when I was a beginner. We were all fishing with hardware below a waterfall in the spring, using the tried and true lures that had always worked in the past. Nothing. More out of boredom than anything else, I picked up my new fly rod, rigged with a bucktail/mylar shiner immitation I had tied up and, in short order I had caught four nice walleye. I don't know who was more surprised: me, the fish or all the spectators! (Not alot of ffers in these parts; even fewer back then.)

Yellow and chartreuse patterns have worked best for me and, typical of walleye, keeping it close to the bottom usually makes the difference. Whether you rely on sinking lines and/or weighted flies depends on water depth, current speed, etc. Swimming streamers across and down, into holding areas, seems to work best...TIM