In my ongoing quest to get confirmation for some of the claims I've come across in reading, I offer the following for your reaction.

"With floating line, apply flotant to leader and tippet ...then put fly (wet) in your mouth, soak it with saliva to make it sink." (p. 42)

"Deodorize hands by rubbing with leaves, grass, garlic, saliva (the last two attract fish)." (p. 46)

These two quotes are from "Match the Hatch" by Dr. Bill Fisher, a pamphlet published in 1994 and available from a number of on-line flishing book suppliers.

What think you of the notion that trout find human saliva an attractant? I've not seen it listed as such in any other source, but then again I'm not that well read in the field, so I turn to the experts here for guidance.