To the Editor, Publisher and Staff of Fly Anglers Online;
I note with interest that you put a "pithy quote" on your cover page whilst introducing my most recent article, Combat Fly Fishing. "Frank has seen "The River" too many times - someone needs to tell him he's not Brad Pitt."
One, "The River," (Sissy Spacek and Mel Gibson) to my knowledge, does not relate to fly fishing. The only other movie that you could be refering to is "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (and its title song "Kwai me a River"). Not having seen this movie, it must be about a good place to fish (love fishing under bridges).
Secondarily, You comment that "someone needs to tell him he's not Brad Pitt." Well, of course I'm not. If I had been, my wife would have killed me for fooling around with that Aniston woman. 'Sides, I'm built more like Arnold Schwarzenager. Well, not in his movie time, but more like now.
Thirdly, the name of the article is "Combat FLY Fishing," not "Combat Fishing" as you've truncated it. Did you design the dust jacket for Geirach's latest book?
Please rectify these deficiencies immediately or you'll be hearing from my law firm, Dewey, Cheatem and Howe.
Thank You
Frank Reid
(inventor of the full Reid)

[This message has been edited by Flytyer37 (edited 27 July 2005).]