Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hise View Post
I hate to answer you because at my age the answer should NOT be NO!
We have longer "Yard Work" seasons here for sure and puttering in the garage can happen more often but when it gets that warm I may go fishing! Keeping up with a 3 bedroom house takes a little effort, darn little on my part!!
Every morning I do a crossword puzzle, a word search and a jig saw puzzle. I also read, tie flys and build rods. So the mind stays sharp.
There is a lot of walking and ladder climbing involved with making furled leaders though!
P.S. Medication - None! (Yet)
P.P.S. Did I mention that I'm single??
Please don't get on any meds, because your good just the way you are! Jack, Don't expect me to believe you have to do Yard Work! You let the grass turn brown like any "Free" single guy would and GO Fishing! I see that your mind is sharp, because you said "Tie Flies" instead of "Fly Ties!" I was considering moving in with you, but after you stated "I'm Single" Well, I'm Scared!
Carry On!