Congrats to BOTH, you and your son, HarleyBob!
I'll get killed for saying this, but sadly in America anymore, it's hard to FIND a young man of only 24 that busts his buns every day of the week, to not only better HIMSELF, but those around him.

My first wife and I raised 3 young men, and spaced well enough apart, I've seen very clearly the "age bracket attitudes" each young man has. All, my sons have very good careers now, but my youngest, (25), had a hard time realizing that; "the world doesn't OWE HIM a darn thing, unless he worked hard for it".

Also, HB a huge amount of who and what your son is and does, is due to YOU and your bride. I'm positive your son didn't learn to be the man he is, today, "from reading a book"!??!
(I, also, laughed at the FIRST picture, because it looks like your son is JUST WAITING to catch the little dog, lifting his leg on that Christmas tree!??!)
Happy Holidays, to you, all!