I little off topic but what would you do about protecting material not in storage containers. I am lucky to have a complete bedroom in the house that has been converted into a tying room and all my materials are hung up in either their original packaging or in the case of some of my acquired materials from hunters or furriers in plastic zip lock bags and all hanging from one of the peg boards around the room. This has made it easier to find materials then sorting through boxes of assorted feathers, chenille etc.
While I do make sure all none store bought materials are first frozen for 3 months left out for 2 or so weeks then refrozen for another 3 months or longer. I am still am concerned about bugs getting into my materials. I also have a cat that gives me further pause of it bringing some type of pest back to the house when it goes to the vet. Its an indoor cat so no real concern about it bringing something into the house from outside. I also keep the cat locked out of the room itself.
Is there more I can do to protect the materials since they are not in any type of bin and are just in their individual plastic bags?