Sorry just have to do this to y'all.
Besides all the trout streams being just fantastic this time of year we also sometimes get a special treat from the local Parks.
This is the only time of year our lake water is cold enough to support trout. A local lake here puts a net across a lake cove and stocks it with trout. Went out this am from 8-10 and caught 20 trout. Of course you can only take 7 if you want to take them with you. Being a stream trout fisherman I pretty much always put them back. I may take a few for dinner every now and then. I also will give them to other fisherman who want them. They will all be taken by fisherman or will die eventually when the water warms up in the spring so there is no reason to put them back......other than getting to catch them a few times before they are gone.
They will stock the cove about 3-4 times every winter. Great fun!
Sometimes you even come across a 16 incher.

Feel free to respond this Summer when it's 100 degrees and we're sweatin' our arses off for 6 or more weeks

I grew up where it routinely snows 80 inches per winter so yes I know what real winter is............