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Thread: Christmas Spirit (nff)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tobyhanna, PA

    Default Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Is it just me or is the Christmas Spirit completely gone out of Christmas?

    When I was growing up the meaning of this holiday was as it should be.

    To be with the family, to spend some time away from the rat race, to reflect on ones life and most important: to show goodwill towards the fellow man or a woman.

    I?m looking around these last few days and I see none of it. I do not like crowds so I stay away from the malls from Thanksgiving, until a week or so after new years. But a fellow needs to eat so sooner or later you end up there anyway. Yesterday my wife and I wend to get some groceries at Wal-Mart. Pulling in I got almost hit by someone pulling out of the parking spot without a single glace (I was looking for that so no foul). Then some SOB races at 50 mph across the lot to get the parking spot I am aiming at. I was gonna flip him but the holiday spirit and all? so I let him slide and gave him a friendly wave instead. As a payment I got a dirty look. Inside people running with the carts in pretty much the same manner: Pushing you out of their way, yapping on the cell phones while blocking the isles, etc? About the only nice thing was that the store had more checkout lanes opened up than they needed ? NICE!!!!!. No lines. In the parking lot I got sprayed with the yuck ? you guessed it some one hauling a?.. at 40 MPH. Finally we pull out and almost get hit again because another driver is cutting a turn to get to the spot we just pulled out from. It really gets me because we shop in this store year round and the only time I see this kind of behavior right before Christmas. 11 months out of the year people around here are actually nice. Why oh why do most of the people have it backwards?

    I made the comment to my wife about this saying that I hate Christmas not because of what it represents but because it brings out the worst of people.

    Am I the only one who notices this kind of trend?

    It this only up here in the North- East?

    PS. Can you use a ?Christmas Stress Syndrome? in a court while defending a capitol case?
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
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    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Hey Mikie !
    Merry Christmas, Brother !! Hold your patience, the stress syndrome defense ain't gonna get ya anywhere. I, too, see what you see, and I'm way out west. I see it in the folks hurrying everywhere to get what they want. Most of them are out shopping for gifts for family and loved ones, but they don't have a fun, relaxed manner like it seems they should. With everyone out on the grab at once, the traffic's worse, and folk's have their nerves wearin' thin, I guess. It's kinda disappointing, I guess maybe that's part of the reason so many folks are depressed around the holidays. And here lately, well it seems folks want to take God out of the picture in every facet of life. Pretty sad, seein's how Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, The Son of God. Like they say "He's the reason for the season " As for me, well, I hate the crowds, and the frenzy, and the hurrying rudenesss just like you do. And yes, It seems to be way more like that at this particular season. People around these parts are generally pretty friendly too. I just try to hone my patience, have plenty of time to deal with it, or stay home, and be an example of how I figure folks oughta be. Caint' fix 'em, aint' gonna join 'em, just gotta deal with 'em. ( and keep my sanity, and stay outa trouble ) I promise ya this..... I aint' one of 'em............ModocDan
    "Fishin' will get you through a day of no Whisky better than Whisky will get you through a day of no Fishin' "

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Hey Mikie,

    Christmas is alive and well in the hearts and minds of the children. Get
    involved with them in some way and if it doesn't rub off I'll be surprised.*G*
    Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The Northern Great Plains

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    I don't know Jim .....my 8 yr old told me a few days ago he didn't believe in Santa Claus.
    So I told him if he wasn't careful I'd sic the headless horseman on him and he said "Go ahead, I don't believe in him either!"

  5. #5

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    I see it every Sunday as people race and cut one another off to be the first out of the church parking lot.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Mickie, I understand perfectly, same attitude for me I fight it with Christmas movies and shoping late at night as much as possable.

    As far as Santa goes, all my kids say they believe in Santa, If Santa hears them say they don't believe they don't get a stocking full of candy etc.

    go get a couple of Christmas movies and think of how it used to be.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    We have all seen this behavior for longer than we would like. I think it all started when 24/7 shopping went into place. I remember when the stores closed at 6 p.m. M-F, about the same or earlier on Saturday, and no shopping on Sunday except for a few exceptions. That was then and this is now, and I believe that the Christmas Spirit is entirely up to you. We cannot expect others to change, so we have to change ourselves and not become caught up in the madness. If you let them take away your joy, that's up to you.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  8. #8
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Valencic
    We have all seen this behavior for longer than we would like. I think it all started when 24/7 shopping went into place. I remember when the stores closed at 6 p.m. M-F, about the same or earlier on Saturday, and no shopping on Sunday except for a few exceptions. That was then and this is now, and I believe that the Christmas Spirit is entirely up to you. We cannot expect others to change, so we have to change ourselves and not become caught up in the madness. If you let them take away your joy, that's up to you.

    I agree with Joe. The worst thing that ever happened to America is the failure to renew the 99 year blue laws. Sundays and Holidays are for family and friends not work , shopping, etc... That having been said I am one that has to work on Sundays so that makes me a hypocrite.

    Perhaps going for a walk or drive just to see the decorations will help. I hate those malls and shopping centers this time of year too. We were in Wally World last night and the floor manager was being a snot. If that young lady would have been one of my children and I caught her sassing people like that, well,......

    Yep, we had all the bumping, speeding, rudeness and things going so we got into the car, put on some Christmas music and started to sing along. Ended up having a good time!

    Every Year the rangers at Little Buffalo State Park decorate the east end hiking trails with lights and their own home made decorations. They open the area up after dark and you can walk the "Christmas Trail". Santa shows up, local choirs sing carols and the 4h club sells refreshments. It's beautiful and free. We give them a donation but it is not required. It runs from Dec 17 - 23 if you are interested. They may have something like this in your area too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    I just sort of "put the blinders on" when it comes to shopping. It sometimes is amazing how behaviors improve when folks hear you say in the register line, "Go ahead, you've only got a few things & I have a bunch".....Sort of the "kill 'em with kindness" theory. Let the incurable grumps live in their own dismal world!

    We have 2 trees....1 of which the Grandchildren visit & decorate. I put the tree up, the lights on, then it's THEIR show. I love 3 or 4 ornaments on 1 branch. Then we drive for MILES looking at the pretty lights.

    As far as Santa....I STILL believe in him...he lives in each & every one of us...we just have to let him out!

    Bottom line is that God created us to love one another...in this, the season of Christ's birth, let's show how tolerant & loving we can be.

    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Christmas Spirit (nff)

    Quote Originally Posted by ohiotuber
    Bottom line is that God created us to love one another...in this, the season of Christ's birth, let's show how tolerant & loving we can be.


    You hit the nail on the head!
    Trout don't speak Latin.

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