We, the organizers, are contemplating getting (long sleeved) T-shirts to commemorate the 2008 Michigan Fish-In. These would have to be ordered and payed for prior to the fish-in (probably by April/May) and then would be delivered at the Fish-In. We're hoping to keep the price around $20 or under.

Is this something you would be interested in purchasing? We would like to get an idea of how many people would actually buy one, to see if it's financially feasible. We're currently working up the design (will post that later) and getting price quotes.

I will give this until after New Year's day, as many are probably traveling this time of year. Of course that doesn't mean wait until then to post your answer! LOL

Jean DeSavage
2008 Michigan Fish-In
June 30-July 5
Gate's Lodge, Grayling, MI