Thanks for wanting to help folks but I am afraid there isn't much anyone can do right now. We are starting to see the insurance people come around but the frist ( Our Home Owners) Said it would be the city that would have to pay, Then the city came up yesterday and said that the subcontractor that did the grading would have to probably pay for it. They pass the buck real good. But I have talked to a lawyer friend of mine already and I am going to be nice until it is time to not be so nice then I will sue all of them in the same suit for about 5 times what it would cost them to have done right by me in first place. I have told all of them I just want whats right and no more and no less. If they can't do that then to heck with them. I will do what has to be done. Like I told the insurance guy, it was an act of God that made the rain but it was a stuped act of man that sent that rain water through my house.

But I sure do thank all of you for offering to help. It makes a guy feel good knowing there are good people still out there. God Bless Ron

[This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 19 July 2005).]