I got the chance on Saturday to sneak up to trout fish for the morning while my wife went shopping. The streams were very crowded but I was making the best of it. I had just gotten into a nice pool with about six or seven rainbows. When a guide came out of nowhere and started pushing his client into the pool I was in (just for info sake I fish in small streams near Ashville, NC). I gave them a look and the guide said something like you do not own this hole and began casting showing the client what to do. The client really looked like he did not know what he was doing and I do not blame him one bit for what was about to happen. Well the client who was about thirty feet behind me got off a good cast and the fly hooked the back of my vest. Well he just about jerked me down he pulled so hard. The guide started yelling at me saying that if I would just get out of their way this would not have happened. Well I waded over to shore and did not say a word grabbed a handfull of rocks and thre them into the pool and watch all the nice fat rainbows run out of the pool. I just smiled and waved as I walked away. My day was done I was so mad. On the ride home I really felt sorry for the client because this is what he thinks fly-fishing is. I know I did not handle the event the best. I also know that I deserve that beacause I was fishing on the holiday weekend and knew that all the idiots were out and every once a year trout fishermen would be out. How would everyone have handled this?


my signiture does not work for holiday weekends