Urushiol!!! Does that word sound familiar? No, it didn't to me either. Well, sit right back and let me enlighten you. Urushiol is a chemical that is produced by a number of lovely little plants growing in the mountains. It is used in Japan to make laquerware called Urushi which you may have seen and thought looked like expensive plastic. Well, here's what happened with my little Urushiol encounter. Monday I went fishing. Tuesday, apart from a little sunburn I had some spots on my arms, supposed I had probably rubbed up against a plant or something. On Wednesday the spots began to blister and became quite painful and with a little research I found that the offender was Urushi or the Japanese Laquer plant. Apparently the people who make the laquerware have built up a natural resistance to this stuff so they can handle it no worries but for the uninitiated Urushiol is really quite a treat. I am currently sporting blisters from wrist to elbow on my right arm which honestly looks like someone has doused it in boiling water. The left arm has a few spots but is otherwise all right. The same chemical is found in Poison Oak and Poison Ivy (notice the recurring theme!). Nothing but fun! I should note that I will be going fishing next weekend, I guess I just cant stay angry at good old Mother Nature.

Interested to hear if anyone has had similar experiences while on the river. Let's see what you've got!