I'm posting this here as I'm pretty sure this is the most visited forum. Here's my thought & suggestion...

In our travels, be it business, vacation, or maybe just a trip to a Cabelas, Bass Pro, family event, sports show, or an "away" sporting event, how many times have we been within shouting distance of another FAOL family member & didn't know it? I would propose a forum where we could post where & when we were traveling. Others in the destination area could respond, either by post, PM, or email & maybe get together to fish, dine, or just to meet & "shoot the bull". I have met many FAOLers face to face for the first times at or after a Fish-In, Wedding, shopping trip, vacation, & fly fishing show(s). I just let folks know where I'll be & when, but it would be a lot easier to have a forum dedicated to that. It may be practical or it may not...just my suggestion.