Five days ago told my wife I was going to make up the bed. She asked if I wanted any help. Of course, I replied, "Heck no - this isn't any big deal!"

Was bending over the king sized bed to tuck the quilt under the middle of the pillows when I felt a "pop" in my lower back. Says I loudly and with emphasis, "@#$%^&*()!!! "

Wife says, "And - what is that all about!"

Says I, in extreme pain and trying to stand up straight, "Nothing dear - think I just threw my back out a little."

Still wearing back brace some each day, heat and Tylenol and similar stuff taken when needed. Opening day of rifle deer season tomorrow and I'm going to be watching from inside in the easy chair. No "do overs" on this one.

So, who says housework isn't dangerous to your health. That's my story and me and my aching back are sticking to it!