I must agree with Dudley on the point of motivation in that you can have all the skill, experience, beautiful wives, beer, George Clooney good looks, and million dollar equipment in the world but if you d not use it then it is worthless. Also and I know this is just another word for motivation but I like it better since it describes what some beggining fly fishers lack and that is ambition you must be willing to look defeat in the eye and say "to h**** with you I'll be back tomorrow" or you'll lose sight of the goal whether the goal is a 20"+ brown, a 10lb bass, or like mine to just have a good time and enjoy the time I get to share with god and the family he has given me (imediate, extended, and friends). Wether we will admit it to ourselves or not we do all have a purpose for being out there and if we had gotten discouraged and just given up in those fledgling years of our pursuit then we would not even be on this forum.
