Wireguys post and the dry conditions he mentioned prompted me to report on our plans for a Tennessee Fish-In.
We are in SEVERE DROUGHT conditions here. There has been no generation from Tim's Ford into the Elk River since June. They are just releasing enough to keep the down stream cities supplied. There are Trout in the fast water sections but the weeds are so thick that it's like rowing or wading through wet cement to get to them.
The Duck River is too warm for trout and if they don't reduce the discharge from Normandy Lake by 50% the city of Tullahoma will be out of water by Febuary 2008!
To say the least our home waters are nothing to show off right now.
We are hopeful that we have a wet winter and conditions change for the better. This does not fair well for planning a full scale Fish-In in 2008 as most have already made their vacation plans.
We are thinking of holding a Mini Fish-In much like the recent one (or 2) in Michigan. There are several members close enough to have a nice weekend gathering.
Pray for rain!!