
Coincidentally, many PA streams get a fall stocking just in time for your visit. Check out the list [url=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/stocking/fall2007.htm:c4e8c]here[/url:c4e8c].

Also there are many Special Regulation Streams that are worth visiting. You can view that list [url=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/specreg.htm:c4e8c]here[/url:c4e8c].

And finally; the different types of trout streams we have in the Commonwealth can be discerned [url=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/waters_trout.htm:c4e8c]here[/url:c4e8c].

Figure out what counties you will be traveling through and you can get specific info from those links.

Don't forget your license; you can get that [url=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/license.htm:c4e8c]here[/url:c4e8c]; and in case you want to know what the regulations are; that info is [url=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/regs_fish.htm:c4e8c]here[/url:c4e8c].

Having fun and the rest is up to you!