Don called yesterday evening, "hey, let's hit Spring Creek in the morning". Why not?

I've been worrying and chafing over the past week or so. My brother is moving his family to Henderson NV. That means the nieces and nephew are going to be 1200 miles away. Anyhow, its been my main focus of late. So a quick spate of angling sounded like just the ticket.

Met Don at the top secret "right under everyone's nose" spot. I started out fishing a little dragonfly nymph, little bead chain eyes and olive marabou on a #14 hook. One little fellow took it early on. He was so tiny that he was a dink on the zero weight! There were little bass in there, the size of one's finger. At that size they seem to be hanging out with the [url=]greenies[/url:de864]. Earlier this year I had seen them in small pods prowling around independently. Perhaps they are growing up and becoming loners.

After a lot of followers, lookers but no more takers I decided to switch flies. This in itself is something. I have noticed that I can be too lazy to tie on a different fly. or perhaps I feel that I am giving up too easily and am a "fair weather friend" to the fly that I tied. I don't know. Suffice it to say that I tied on a foam spider and the action began! You know how you are supposed to let the fly sit there? How it's supposed to creep along in a crippled manner? Not this morning! I started stripping it in like a crazed frog that had taken a huge hop, then thought the better of it and was headed for the shoreline in a frenzied flurry. Boom! Boom! Boom! I had those mean [url=]greenies[/url:de864] hitting that spider. Top water is the best in my book. I love any hookup but there is nothing quite as satisfyingly exhilarating as the blowup.

I apologize for no photos. It just seemed too much like work to stop, take photos and get back to it. This was a salutary session.

Give me a shout and we'll go fishing!
