This actually varies from state to state. When I took driver's education and went to truck driving school and took defensive driving in Texas, there was no "slower traffic keep right" on Texas roadways implied or expressed in the law.

But there is never, ever an excuse for a speeder to bully someone driving within the legal speed limit. If someone does they are wrong...period.

Many people nowadays think they have a "right" to speed in the far left lane, or even a "right" to move faster than the other lanes of traffic (even if not speeding). In reality, all vehicles in front of you (everywhere in the US) have the right of way. "Passing lanes" are there so that you can pass WHEN IT IS LEGAL AND CONVENIENT AND SAFE for you to do so.

So, no...this does not annoy me.

P.S. I recently had a discussion with a buddy who is annoyed by how "rude" and "inconsiderate" people are in line at stores when they don't swipe their debit/credit cards until AFTER the cashier hits total. Yeah...that's really inconsiderate, isn't it? I mean they slowed things down a or two seconds? I told him that I consider people who are in such a hurry that they get annoyed by anyone moving slower than they are to be the inconsiderate and sometimes even rude ones. And if he doesn't have an extra few seconds, what they heck is he doing standing in line at a store?

Really, even doctors and astronauts in emergencies have a wider time tolerance than this.