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Thread: Passing Lanes

  1. #1

    Default Passing Lanes

    I got another one up for discussion. When I was in drivers training (way too many years ago, but I still remember), I learned that on Freeway's or Highways wether they are two lane or more lanes, that the far left lane is for PASSING.
    Granted there are a LOT more cars out there now, I still think that the outside left lane SHOULD be for passing.
    Last year coming back from LAS VEGAS (wahoo, but that is another story) it is a two lane highway through most of the southern portion of Nevada and Utah. We found TOO many people with there CRUISE controls set at 65 miles per hour. Granted that is the speed limit, but some might want to fudge that only to find that they are behind TWO cars running 65 side by side. It is a long boring trip and this does get my panties in a bunch.
    Anyone else bothered by this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    I'm more bothered by folks who think the "passing lane" is really the "speeding lane"
    One law does not trump another
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  3. #3

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    The one in the far left lane should yield to the faster traffic and pull over to the right when safe to let the others pass, even if they are speeding.

    Just remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    I'm a good driver, because I drive defensively. I will not sit in the passing lane if there are cars that want to go fast and pass everyone. Most of the time the passers only catch up to slower traffic anyway! It serves me best to maintain a steady speed instead of hurry up and wait!
    One thing that seems to be more prevalent are TRUCK drivers that tailgate cars!!!!
    Where R these morons coming from?
    Joni, That's OK! I'll go over to the VEGAS site and find out what you did!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    FG I agree totally 100%. I cannot stand when someone feels that it is their responsibility to make everyone else drive the same speed they are. (This could be some idiot in the fast lane driving 65, or some idiot in the slow lane driving 95). I am one who almost always drives 4 or 5 mph above the speed limit. Where I come from, (FG should really understand this) 5 mph over the speed limit would normally be considered SLOW especially on I-15 in UT or SL counties. But here, everyone drives 2 or 3 mph BELOW the speed limit!!!!!!

    That drive from Vegas is boring and I understand the desire to kick it up a knotch. I tend to loose my temper more while driving than any other time, so I got mad just reading your post. [url=http://www.thesmilies.com:c44ea][/url:c44ea] (Deep breath, deep breath...)

    If you are not driving fast, then get the *^%#%^ out of the fast lane!![url=http://www.thesmilies.com:c44ea][/url:c44ea]
    Leave No Trace

  6. #6

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    in some states it is illegal to be in the left lane unless you are passing. its posted and everything
    Princess Anne, Md

  7. #7

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    You could always install a train horn on your car and when they are going slow in the passing lane blast it at them and scare the crap out of them!

  8. #8
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    Pennsylvania recently changed the motor vehicle code regarding riding in the far left, passing lane on multiple lane highways. When you enter the far left lane you have two miles to either complete your pass or exit to the left unless other wise legally posted or guided by state authorities. The fine for cruising in the left, passing lane is substantial. I have yet to meet anyone who has been issued a fine. Usually just a warning. There is a provision in there that accounts for being boxed in, or trapped in the left lane. I believe it is up to the State Troopers discretion. This is to allow you time and distance to safely exit the left lane.

    Yes it irks me when you have two vehicles cruising side by side, blocking the traffic lanes. That is rude but there is no room for road rage out there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    Quote Originally Posted by mdram
    in some states it is illegal to be in the left lane unless you are passing. its posted and everything
    That the way it is in Washington; doesn't make any difference people still ride in the left lane.

    Another thing I hate is when I am using the left lane to pass someone and some jack@#% comes up behind me and pulls within a few feet of my bumper. I guess they think I will go faster or something. Usually what this gets them is a drift over to the rumple strip by me and a rock shower for thier wind shield. Backs them off right now until I finish my pass.
    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  10. #10

    Default Re: Passing Lanes

    This actually varies from state to state. When I took driver's education and went to truck driving school and took defensive driving in Texas, there was no "slower traffic keep right" on Texas roadways implied or expressed in the law.

    But there is never, ever an excuse for a speeder to bully someone driving within the legal speed limit. If someone does they are wrong...period.

    Many people nowadays think they have a "right" to speed in the far left lane, or even a "right" to move faster than the other lanes of traffic (even if not speeding). In reality, all vehicles in front of you (everywhere in the US) have the right of way. "Passing lanes" are there so that you can pass WHEN IT IS LEGAL AND CONVENIENT AND SAFE for you to do so.

    So, no...this does not annoy me.

    P.S. I recently had a discussion with a buddy who is annoyed by how "rude" and "inconsiderate" people are in line at stores when they don't swipe their debit/credit cards until AFTER the cashier hits total. Yeah...that's really inconsiderate, isn't it? I mean they slowed things down a whole...what...one or two seconds? I told him that I consider people who are in such a hurry that they get annoyed by anyone moving slower than they are to be the inconsiderate and sometimes even rude ones. And if he doesn't have an extra few seconds, what they heck is he doing standing in line at a store?

    Really, even doctors and astronauts in emergencies have a wider time tolerance than this.

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