Saturday AM a whole gaggle of casters met at McKinney's Towne Lake to cast. We learned, shot the breeze and had lunch.

I learned that a twelve year old can be a font of information! Taylor showed me how to cast the sley rod that I showed up with.

My son decided that he needs a spey rod in the worst way (ouch!) And I learned a bit more about rod loading and casting cadence/timing.

RexW from Red River Flyfishers

TaylorW soon to be one of the youngest FFF instructors around

Me holding a rattan-handled zero weight

Hot in Texas, but not as bad as it could be!

Long Haired Dave makes it look easy

ScottEvil ponders his cast

Artan watches the rod tip (hey its loading its loading!)

Big Gun (spey rod)

Evan casts the spey

"What the....?" (how many times have we been in that position after a cast?)


Hamburgery after the day's work is done
