I headed out to my favorite stream yesterday morning with my 3wt. With the little bit of rain we have had, I was hoping the fishing would pick up. As I headed to my starting spot I noticed some Carp and went over to see what was happening. It was a pod of 4 fish trying to bump uglies, so I knew not to even bother with them. I spent 2 hours and got a few very healthy Rock Bass and a few fun Smallies, but nothing near the numbers I was hoping for. It was still a good morning as I watched a doe and her fawn come down to drink and a pair of Kingfishers flew around me.
About 9:30 I started back and noticed some activity in a slackwater area behind a small island. The commotion was more Carp doing their thing. I started to leave, but noticed a few other Carp that appeared to be feeding - nose down, making mud clouds. I quickly tied on a brown & cream BH Lil Bugger and commenced to fish. I lined a couple before I got the technique down. I dropped the fly about 12" ahead of them in the direction they were going and about one try in five resulted in a hook up. I snagged the first one when I thought he had picked up the fly. I hooked him in one of his pectorals and the fight was on. I was getting him close when my rod popped up and I thought I had broken off, but the fly just pulled out. I went back to the hole and ended up hooking and landing 3 more beauties, each taking 15+ minutes to land. I was able to actually see the 3 fish take the fly, it was incredible. A bike path runs right next to the river and I ended up having an audience for all 4 fish. I love it when a day goes from "that was fun" to "WOW!!!"