My brother is an Army Colonel working at the Rock Island Arsenal in the Quad Cities of Davenport, Rock Island, Moline, and whatever the 4th one is. He is an ocassional fly fisherman looking to get a bit more serious about it. And he's looking for fishing opportunities in that area. He has an SUV and a touring bike, and likes to ride to fishing locations within a couple of hours of where he's hanging his hat. He's married and has adult kids and grandchildren, but he's unaccompanied up there and maintaining a primary residence in the St. Louis area. His wife asked me to try and help him find some new fishing locations and buddies up that way. He's a pretty cool guy to hunt and fish with. I'll vouch for him. He's been my primary hunting and fishing buddy for many years. His biggest personality flaw is that he still has a tendancy to carry treble hooks and power bait when he goes trout fishing...even if he only takes a fly rod. But I think he would get over that with a little more successful experience.

Anyone who would like to help an old warrior out with his off-duty time, please get in touch with me and I'll put y'all in touch with each other. Thanks.