First, I love this site! There is an incredible amount of useful information here. Thanks to all who participate and sponsor, and especially to JC and LF for their hard work and dedication.

And now to my question. The only complaint that I have about the site is that I have been almost completely unable to find anything that I am looking for using the keyword search. Working in the IT industry I am very familiar with computers, the internet and searches but I still find my search results woefully lacking. Are there any tips or guidelines for how to make effective use of the search on FAOL? At the prodding of JC and LF I have tried to find things on my own. Of course the good news is that is you post a question JC, LF and occasionaly other members are quick to point you to what you want. Maybe this would be a good topic for an article (or maybe there is already one that I can't find!).

Anybody out there have tips or hints to successful FAOL searching?