i'm gonna sound really silly here, but i hope to have someone knock some sense into me... on my last trip to the beach i took time to pre-tie all the flies i might use onto all the leaders i might use (6 total). i stretched them by pinning them taught onto the wall by loop and hook. for the most part, my curly leaders straightened then i thought, 'how do i keep them straight when i transport them?'. so i came up with the genius idea of wrapping them around a large circular object so they don't regress to their curly shape again. i found an unused alloy bicycle rim, taped the spoke holes, and looped all my leaders around the rim. relatively compact, but no way they would curl back up. brilliant!

so i get to the beach right before dawn and figure all i have to do is pull off the fly/leader i want to use, loop to my line, and away i go. yeah right. the fly i wanted was so badly buried under the other leaders i had to take them all off and i ended up with six leaders and flies in a pile in the back of my truck. so to the question.

do you have a way to transport/store leaders so they stay straight thereby bypassing the straightening process at your destination? leader racks? long PVC tube? something? or am i dreaming and should go back to pulling them straight when i get to where i'm going?