Here in Nebraska, our Game & Parks Division has a "Master Angler" program that recognizes trophy fish of each species with a nice little certificate.

For bluegill, the minimum size to qualify is either 10" long or one pound. Bluegills that size are not common around here. The typical bluegill caught in most Nebraska waters may not be much more than 6" long.

My feeling is that a 9" bluegill has a much greater chance of achieving 10" in its lifetime than a 6- or 7-incher. I want that 9-incher's superior genes to remain in the gene pool as long as possible. So, a couple of times a year, when I harvest a few 'gills to eat, I'll take home the ones 6-8 inches long and leave the big girls there to breed.

Last night, in two hours after supper, I caught and released 22 that were 9+ inches. I'll be bragging about that evening for a long time.