This is from MSN:
"Twelve people, on average, are mauled by bears each year in North America. Because you don't want to be one of those 12, heed this advice from Dr. Luanne Freer, president of the Wilderness Medical Society:
When entering a park area that's home to bears, always obey the signs.
Keep all food in sealed containers while in bear country, and never feed a bear. Bears that eat human food sometimes see humans as food.
If you see a bear, always keep your distance. Never edge closer to get a better photo. Bears are faster than you think."

My question is how many of you go fishing into the wildirness with any sort of protection and what is it?

I have purchased a bear pepper spray and carry it with me if I go fishing in places where there are no people.
To me it's real threat. I live in the center of the Poconos and left quite a few skid marks on the roads when trying to avoid hitting a black bear crossing the road. I had couple of bears in my yard - one was about 600+ pounds. Did not meet one on the stream yet but....

How about you?