I'm looking for a book(s) that will give me as many a variety of flies to tie with a good cross section of there life cycles and presentations. I would prefer that it has fly tieing substance rather then the fishing mech part but cover as many different fish types/insect types as possible. I hate to spend all this money to find out its not what i was looking for so if a combination of two books would help let me know.

Heres what I've come up with for books.

Fly Tiers Bench, (Ted Leeson)

Trout Flies; Tiers referance (Dave Hughes)

Complete book of western hatches; an anglers entom& fly pattern guide (Rick Hafele)

An anglers guide to aquatic insects & their imitations for all north america (Rick Hafele)

Selective Trout (Doug swisher)

May flies; an anglers study of trout water ephemeroth.

add recomandations please