......... rod #1's not even done (to quote myself 'There's lots of time to season opens ........besides, it's CP'd, just have to add epoxy'), and rods #2, 3, 4 are underway.
PMQ's - 6footers, Lee Wulff's Sharpe's taper ........ have one half already split, heat treated, straightened, trimmed, straightened, tapered roughly, straightened ........ Planing down that one half to .037" I thought the bamboo would tear ....... boy was I off the marker.
Rods 5, 6 are likely due out later this year when I get the plane form done. I keep pooching it a tad and ....... well - like my homework back in school days - RE-DO ........

I think might need a counselling session or 5 (on water maybe?) to get over this rod building stuff might be in order ...........

Joe V., you planning on stopping yet ?
